“The What IF Plan has helped me massively lose my baby weight and get back in my size 10 jeans. Phase 1 and Phase 3 of the plan feel effortless and are part of my life now. I have never been on a nutrition plan like this as before it has been all about deprivation.

I spent 3 days on Phase 2 and it really taught me to appreciate food and portion sizes and I now eat with mindfulness. The best bit of the plan is you can still eat treats now and again – nothing is banned.

I found out I was very sensitive to carbs so I don’t need to ban these totally but I have reduced them and I feel better than ever. Would advise this plan to everyone!”

L Lawrence, Business Owner, Bristol.

“I went on the plan after seeing the review in The Evening Standard where the journalist had her IBS improve. I have IBS for 12 years and nothing has worked until now. I think all I can put it down to is that I am eating right for my genes.

I think everyone would benefit from eating based on their genes. Have recommended to lots of people. Thank you The What IF Plan – the plan has helped me so much.”

R Peters, Civil Service, London

“I feel alive on this plan and total energised. Am 4 weeks in and I have already lost the last 9lbs I couldn’t budge and I am sleeping better, which is a major relief.”

S Law, Dental Nurse, London

“Even though this is not a quick fix “diet” I have lost an inch off my waist in the first week on Phase 1 and 6lbs! I don’t even feel deprived at all. I am looking forward to seeing the results of 6 weeks on the plan.”

T Rossi, Health Worker, London

“My main reason for going on the plan was that I’ve suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) since I was a teenager so I wanted to find a way of eating that helped reduce the symptoms, as well as make me feel more confident and energised.

I don’t own a set of scales but I definitely felt my stomach getting flatter after the first two days, and general bloat around the mid-section and thighs disappearing. Also, my IBS symptoms (bloating, sluggishness etc.) have pretty much gone, which is great!”

N Stylianou, Journalist, London

“I found out that I possess inflammation markers, which means my joints are prone to being inflamed and sore. Even though I’m already taking an omega-3 supplement, I found out that I needed to take even more as well as fatty acids.

It makes sense for someone with my condition to have these DNA results, but once you actually see it in writing it helps you to get a better understanding of what is going on inside your body, and how you can change things through your diet. Within two weeks on the What IF Plan, my skin started to clear up! I really noticed that eating well made a difference.

Also I used to moan that my skin was ‘grey’ but I have a much brighter complexion now. I’ve been having more make-up free days than ever. Within a couple of weeks my eyes looked brighter and the autoimmune ‘brain fog’ I live with daily started clearing. The What IF Plan has made a huge difference to my fatigue, strength and mental health. I have way more energy and I am even waking up easier in the morning.

Also I feel fuller quicker. I’m not craving my usual sweet treats come 8pm, which is great. All in all I feel an overall sense of wellness even though I’m still in so much pain, and that is really amazing! I’m sticking to the plan now as much as I find it really easy to stay on track. The fact that the plan has given me so much choice with my meals means I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. If anything I’m gaining more recipes and eating things I wouldn’t usually have cooked with.”

J Gattiker, Hair Stylist at Melanie Giles, Bath

“We have worked for years with nutritionist Kate Llewellyn-Waters and she has kindly let us release this amazing new DNA based weight management program to our clients. I can’t wait to receive my results and get started on the plan!”

S Laciofano, Owner of The Cobham Clinic

Scott (from Disruptive Cartel) was fast, thorough & added 25,000 new followers to my page & thousands of new visitors to my website in under 4 months!

Nick Maxwell

Disruptive Cartel had an immediate impact with vast knowledge & expertise in social & sales processes. We were surprised at how fast we saw measurable results!

Gab Vargas

Our online sales are up over $15,000 per month and represent a 30% increase in sales company wide since working with the team at Disruptive Cartel

Kirstie Vinken